League Rules
- All matches will be played according to the IFNA Netball Rules.
- A team [Each team not Club] will be deducted 5 points if the correct league fees determined by the Committee prior to the beginning of the winter season have not been paid by midnight on the night before the first fixture of the winter netball league.
- Matches will consist of 4 quarters of 15 minutes each, with 2 minutes interval after the first and third quarter and 3 minutes interval for half time (unless otherwise stated by the Herefordshire Netball Committee).
- All matches will commence on time with central timing being utilised. No injury time will be allowed.
- Matches may only be cancelled by the Herefordshire Netball Committee. (See Appendix 1).
- All players must be affiliated to Your National Governing Body (England Netball) with the Team they are representing prior to playing any matches. Teams are required to produce a (England Netball team) list of all registered players at the beginning of the season and thereafter if any changes are made OR upon request by the Herefordshire Netball Committee.
Teams who are found to have played unaffiliated players will automatically forfeit the game and the points will go to the opposing team, the game will not be re-played. A Committee member should be contacted if anyone has concerns over player affiliations.
- No player must play for more than one team at any one time, but a player may transfer once per Season to a
different team, having first notified the League Secretary( and pay the appropriate fee.) 1 Season is Winter followed by summer.
- New teams entering the League must do so through the lowest division. Or one most appropriate to their level of play as decided by the Committee. In the event of uncertainty a playoff will be held between the relevant teams.
- To be eligible to enter the new season of the Hereford Netball League, a team must have an England Netball qualified umpire.
A completely new team wishing to enter the HNL will be given a 12 month ‘break in’ period before having to have a qualified umpire. This would give the team 12 months for a team member to attend umpiring courses and become a qualified umpire.
- Points will be awarded for each match as follows:
5 points for a win
3 points for a draw
2 points for losing but scoring within 5 goals or less of the winning teams score
1 point for losing but scoring 50% or more of the winning teams score
- Any team arriving late will have one goal per minute awarded against them up to 5 minutes – after this time the game will be awarded to the complete team. Rule 9 will then be applied.
- If a game is awarded to a team by default, the scoring procedure will be applied at the end of the season. (See Appendix 2)
- Injured players should be treated with care and only moved off the court when considered safe to do so. The game will resume once the player has vacated the court and the match will continue in accordance with central timing. In the event an injured player cannot be moved from the court before the end of the match the following will apply:
– If play ceased within the first or second or third quarter, the match will be rescheduled
– If play ceased within the fourth quarter, the score will stand
- Umpiring:-
B Award: Can umpire all Divisions
C Award: Can umpire all Divisions
Awaiting C Award: Can umpire Divisions 2 and 3, may umpire Division 1 with prior approval from County Officiating Lead/Assessor
Into Officiating Award: Can umpire Division 3, may umpire Division 2 with prior approval from County Officiating Lead/Assessor
Awaiting Into Officiating Award: May umpire Division 3 with prior approval from County Officiating Lead/AssessorBrief explanation:
An Awaiting C Award or an Awaiting Into Officiating Award umpire is generally an umpire who has reached the standard of the award they are working towards and are just awaiting their final assessment. Sometimes these assessments are difficult to arrange therefore this allows an umpire to officiate games at their correct level and keeps them “sharp” whilst waiting for an assessment date.This is different to umpires working towards their next award and who still require the input of a mentor.
- There should always be two umpires and two scorers per match. Each team must organise an umpire and a scorer for the game either before or after their match. Teams failing to provide an umpire for the required match will be fined £10.00, plus £10.00 to be paid to an umpire if one is available on the night. If no umpire is present, the two teams playing may wish to:-
– Agree to 1 umpire
– Postpone the match until two qualified umpires are available, in which case the offending team will incur all costs for the re-scheduling of the match, including the £10.00 fine.
- The umpires decision is final, umpires will officiate according to IFNA Netball rules.
- Teams must not umpire their own games
- Captains are to toss a coin for ends before they come on court.
- Each team is required to provide its own set of bibs and ball for each league match and all tournaments. A First Aid kit is the team’s own responsibility.
- Bibs must be worn by both teams.
- All team members must play in the same coloured kit.
- Appropriate training shoes must be worn, no black soled trainers to be worn on indoor courts.
- Players must remove all jewellery before the start of a match to avoid injury to you as a player and your opposition.
The only exception is a plain wedding band or a medical alert bracelet which can be worn but must be taped up.
Nails must be cut short.
- A fully completed scorecard, including “Your teams player of the match” must be sent by both teams to online at
www.herefordshirenetball.co.uk Any result not received by midnight on the Friday following the day of the match will result in the
offending team having a deduction of 5 points from there overall score and a fine of £10.00.
- No smoking or alcohol, whatsoever, is permitted on the premises.
- The organisers take no responsibility for any injury, damage or theft to persons on their property incurred as a result of taking part in the Hereford Netball League.
- Insurance – Public liability insurance will be taken out. Any personal insurance must be the player’s own responsibility.
- Team representatives are obliged to attend all meetings or send a Deputy in their place. The first meeting missed will incur a fine of £10.00, plus 5 points deducted from the team’s League points. All fines not paid will be added to next season’s League fees. The next meeting to mean any subsequent meeting in that year (i.e., from AGM to AGM).
- The complaints procedure should be used if required (See appendix 3)
Appendix 1
Cancelled Matches
Matches can only be cancelled by the committee.
If weather is inclement or the court unsafe for play, teams will be notified, and the match re-arranged by the Committee.
Teams must play if they have at least 5 players.
Teams are still encouraged to play and use the court even if less than 5 players can attend. This will then be played as a friendly and the opposing team will receive the points (see appendix 2.) The fine will be £30 to cover the umpiring cost.
If the team is unable to make the match the opposing team will receive the points see appendix 2. The fine will be £50. £30 will be paid to the umpires unless they are allocated to a different game then this will be deducted from the fine total. £20 court cost which will be added as a credit to the opposing team as they will not have played the game. The team cancelling will also need to send 2 scorers for the previous / post game
Appendix 2
Scoring Procedure
Defaulted games
This will be applied to the teams at the end of the season.
The team will be awarded the appropriate goals, according to the position in the league, and the offending team will receive 0 goals.
League Position Goals Awarded
1 75
2 65
3 55
4 45
5 35
6 25
7 15
8 5
Played matches
All Herefordshire Netball matches played will follow the procedure below:
5 points for a win, 3 points for a draw, 2 points for within 5 goals for the winning teams score and 1 point will be awarded to the losing side should they score half or more than the winning team’s score.
Appendix 3
Umpires have full control of the game and the AENA netball rules apply.
Any misconduct by a player during a match, may be regulated by the umpires officiating, according to the AENA rules.
If a player has a complaint against another player this must be brought to the attention of the umpires during the game, if it can’t be resolved within the game then a formal complaint must be made in writing to the committee within two weeks. The team bringing the formal complaint must inform the officiating umpires.
Once a formal complaint has been received by the committee about a player/team, the umpires officiating will be asked for their opinions, the committee will discuss and take the following action:-
- a) Take no further action, all complaints will be kept on file and the committees decision is final.
- b) The team/player in question will be requested to submit a report regarding the incident in question. The committee will then review the complaint with no bias.
- c) If required a written warning will be sent to the team captain – a player/team can have no more than two written warnings after that the team/player may be suspended or expelled from the league. The affected player/team will have the right of appeal to the committee, whose decision shall be binding. Fees are non refundable. They will be allowed to enter for the next season.
If a complaint is against an officiating umpire, then a letter of complaint must be made in writing to the committee with two weeks. Both officiating umpires will be asked their opinions, the committee will discuss and take the following action:-
- a) Take no further action, all complaints will be kept on file and the committees decision is final.
- b) If more than two written complaints have been received the umpiring secretary will organise for mentoring to take place if this is agreed by the umpire in question, if the umpire disagrees then that umpire will no-longer be allowed to officiate in the league.
League Constitution
- The league shall be called “The Hereford Netball League”, herein after referred to as HNL.
- The objectives of the HNL shall be;
- a) To promote and encourage the game of netball.
- b) To foster and encourage sportsmanship between all clubs.
- c) To raise the standard of play, umpiring and coaching.
- A Committee of up to 9 members shall govern the HNL and be referred to as the HNLC
The maximum term in office is 5 years, officers will step down but can be reelected.
The Officers of the HNLC will be:
Scoring Secretary
Umpiring Secretary
Fixtures Secretary
Scorecard Administrator
Onboarding / Membership
Tournament / Socials Secretary
Presentation evening administrator
Communications Officer
- The HNLC may set up sub-committees if so required.
- In the event of a casual vacancy the HNLC may appoint another eligible person to act until the next AGM.
- HNLC meetings will be held on stated dates agreed at the first Committee meeting in the elected year. The Committee will meet at least 4 times a year.
- The quorum shall be 50% of the total Committee. Any member holding more than one position shall be entitled to only one vote.
- The HNLC will review annually the HNL subscription fees for entry to the winter and Summer Leagues.
- The HNLC shall place teams in divisions appropriate to their standard of play whenever possible.
- All fixtures should be drawn up and approved by the HNLC.
- League Tournaments may be held throughout the year at the discretion of the HNLC.
- The HNLC shall deal with all matters not governed by the Constitution and League Rules.
- An Annual General Meeting shall be held at the close of each season at which the HNL Committee shall be elected.
- Notification of the AGM to be at least 28 days prior to the meeting.
- Amendments to the Constitution and Rules of the League should be sent in writing to the HNL Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM.
- Any proposed nomination for office on the HNLC shall be sent in writing to the Secretary with the names of a proposer and seconder, who shall both be Registered Participants, not later than 14 days before the AGM. Where there are no proposals for an office, nominations may be taken from the floor at the AGM.
- All members of the existing HNLC may re-stand for election.
- All outgoing officers will remain in office until the election of a new HNL Committee.
- The Agenda and any proposals for amendments to the constitution/rules and nominations to office shall be sent out to members no later than 7 days before the AGM.
- Each team must be represented at all league meetings.
- Votes on issues at the AGM should be one vote per registered team plus one vote for each Committee member including the Chairperson. The Chairperson shall have a second casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.
- The HNL Constitution and Rules cannot be altered unless approved by an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may be considered and called by the HNL Secretary if so warranted by the HNLC or an Affiliated Member. Each request will be in writing and will state the purpose for which such a meeting is required and shall set out any proposal to be voted on at the meeting. Fourteen days’ notice of the meeting and all proposals shall be given to every team and HNLC member. No business shall be transacted at such a meeting other than that specified in the notice. Voting shall be bound as that for the AGM.
- Committee members do not vote at any meetings on issues relating specifically to their team in which they have a pecuniary interest.
- Any complaint must be put in writing to the HNL Secretary within 14 days of the incident; this will then be brought to the next HNLC meeting. Complaint procedures can be found on the website.
- Code of Conduct – the HNLC expects that all affiliated members and spectators will uphold the objectives, ethos and rules/policies of the HNL at all times. There shall be a general duty upon all members to be aware of their own conduct and its effect upon others.
- The HNLC shall have power to refuse admittance, suspend, or expel any club, team or individual whose conduct they consider to be detrimental to the objectives of the HNL as stated in No. 2 above.
- The committee will retain documentation regarding the league for a maximum of 7 (seven) years. Previous documentation will be disposed of in line with current legislation.
- AGM – Date to be confirmed month of May
- Please refer to league rules for any other information.
Between 21 and 22
Auditors will be appointed at the AGM each year and the audited accounts of NHL for the year ended 30th April shall be presented to the Members at the AGM.
Last point
In the event of dissolution any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be dealt with in a manner to be determined by resolution of a General Meeting so as to promote the objectives of HNL or of some organisation with kindred aims or to other purposes approved by the Charity Commissioners. In the event of there being a deficit, the General Meeting shall decide how it shall be met.
League Rules
All matches will be played according to the IFNA Netball Rules.
- Matches will consist of 4 quarters of 15 minutes each, with 2 minutes interval after the first and third quarter and 3 minutes interval for half time (unless otherwise stated by the Herefordshire Netball Committee).
- All matches will commence on time with central timing being utilised. No injury time will be allowed.
- All players must be affiliated to Your National Governing Body (England Netball or Wales Netball) with the Team they are representing prior to playing any matches. Teams are required to produce a (England Netball team / Wales Netball team ) list of all registered players at the beginning of the season and thereafter if any changes are made OR upon request by the Herefordshire Netball Committee.
- Teams who are found to have played unaffiliated players will automatically forfeit the game and the points will go to the opposing team, the game will not be re-played. A Committee member should be contacted if anyone has concerns over player affiliations.
- No player must play for more than one team at any one time, but a player may transfer once per Season to a different team, having first notified the League (and pay the appropriate fee.) 1 Season is Winter followed by summer.
- New teams entering the League must do so through the lowest division. Or one most appropriate to their level of play as decided by the Committee. In the event of uncertainty, a playoff will be held between the relevant teams.
- Any team arriving late will have one goal per minute awarded against them up to 5 minutes – after this time the game will be awarded to the complete team. This will be applied to the teams at the end of the season.
The team will be awarded the appropriate goals, according to the position in the league, and the offending team will receive 0 goals.
League Position Goals Awarded
- 75
- 65
- 55
- 45
- 35
- 25
- 15
- 5
- Injured players should be treated with care and only moved off the court when considered safe to do so. The game will resume once the player has vacated the court and the match will continue in accordance with central timing. In the event an injured player cannot be moved from the court before the end of the match the following will apply:
- If play ceased within the first or second or third quarter, the match will be rescheduled
- If play ceased within the fourth quarter, the score will stand
- Captains are to toss a coin for ends before they come on court.
- Each team is required to provide its own set of bibs and ball for each league match and all tournaments.
- Each facility will have a first aider on site at each venue.
- Bibs must be worn by both teams.
- All team members must play in the same-coloured kit.
- Appropriate training shoes must be worn, no black soled trainers to be worn on indoor courts.
- Players must remove all jewellery before the start of a match to avoid injury to you as a player and your opposition.
The only exception is a plain wedding band or a medical alert bracelet which can be worn but must be taped up.
- Nails must be cut short.
- No smoking or alcohol, whatsoever, is permitted on the premises.
- The organisers take no responsibility for any injury, damage or theft to persons on their property incurred as a result of taking part in the Hereford Netball League.
- Insurance – Public liability insurance will be taken out. Any personal insurance must be the player’s own responsibility.
- Team representatives are obliged to attend all meetings or send a Deputy in their place. The first meeting missed will incur a fine of £10.00, plus 5 points deducted from the team’s League points. All fines not paid will be added to next season’s League fees. The next meeting to mean any subsequent meeting in that year (i.e., from AGM to AGM).
- A fully completed scorecard, including “Your team’s player of the match” must be sent by both teams to online at www.herefordshirenetball.co.uk Any result not received by midnight on the Friday following the day of the match will result in the offending team having a deduction of 5 points from their overall score and a fine of £10.00.
- All players will be over the age of 14. If under the age of 18 they will have to have a consent form filled out which will have a section to be signed by a Responsible Adult / team Representative that confirms the player is at the mental and physical capacity to play in a adult league
- The umpire’s decision is final, umpires will officiate according to IFNA Netball rules.
- If there are any concerns or questions about the umpire decisions these are to be discussed via the captain at quarter / half time / end of the game not during the game.
- If there are further questions that are not resolved immediately after the game then the league should be contacted to put the questions through the officiating lead.
Umpiring / Umpires:
To be eligible to enter the new season of the Hereford Netball League, a team must have an England Netball qualified umpire. A completely new team wishing to enter the HNL will be given a 12 month ‘break in’ period before having to have a qualified umpire. This would give the team 12 months for a team member to attend umpiring courses and become a qualified umpire.
Break period if your umpire is Ill/injured/absent from the team for a period of time you’ll have a 12-month period grace period to replace them
If a team has moved up a division if they stay in that division for 2 season ie 2 winter leagues then they will be required to have an umpire undertake the correct level of qualification to umpire the level of play.
Subject to courses being available but proof of admission / training may be required by the league which may include the county officiating lead.
There should always be two umpires. Each team must organise an umpire for the game either before or after their match. Teams must not umpire their own games. Teams failing to provide an umpire for the required match will be fined £10.00, plus £15.00 to be paid to an umpire if one is available on the night. If no umpire is present, the two teams playing may wish to:-
– Agree to 1 umpire
– Postpone the match until two qualified umpires are available, in which case the offending team will incur all costs for the re-scheduling of the match, including the £10.00 fine.
Unforeseen circumstances may cause a game to be rescheduled but this is at the discretion of the league committee.
B Award: Can umpire all Divisions
C Award: Can umpire all Divisions
Awaiting C Award: Can umpire Divisions 2 and 3, may umpire Division 1 with prior approval from County Officiating Lead/Assessor
Into Officiating Award: Can umpire Division 3, may umpire Division 2 with prior approval from County Officiating Lead/Assessor
Awaiting Into Officiating Award: May umpire Division 3 with prior approval from County Officiating Lead/Assessor.Brief explanation:
An Awaiting C Award or an Awaiting Into Officiating Award umpire is generally an umpire who has reached the standard of the award they are working towards and are just awaiting their final assessment. Sometimes these assessments are difficult to arrange therefore this allows an umpire to officiate games at their correct level and keeps them “sharp” whilst waiting for an assessment date.This is different to umpires working towards their next award and who still require the input of a mentor.
If you are being mentored > responsibilities
Mentor responsibilities
Fee paid to the mentor not the person being mentored
There should always be two scorers. Each team must organise a scorer for the game either before or after their match. Teams failing to provide a scorer for the required match will be fined £10.00.
If the scorer is more than 5 minutes late then the fine will apply.
The role of the scorer is:
– Time breaks 2 mins at 1/4 & 3/4 breaks and 3mins at half time
Let umpires know 30s & 10s to go
– Umpires may say hold time but DO NOT stop the clock we don't have injury time
– Pay full attention to the game and score accordingly
– One person to flip
– One person to document on score card (Check continuously) do not tally chart number then
cross out for the next.
– Please refrain from using mobile phones other than for timing if the timers provided are not
– No other players at the desk
– Document on score card any warnings and suspensions and reasoning
– Umpires may hold play time at any point to check a centre pass with scorers, Scorers need to
know the order of the next centre pass and highlight to umpires if incorrect.
Win = 5 Points
Draw = 3 Points
Loss within 5 Goals = 2 Points
Loss within half of the winning teams score = 1 Point
Loss below half of the winning teams score = 0 PointsCancelation of Games:
Matches can only be cancelled by the committee.
If weather is inclement or the court unsafe for play, teams will be notified, and the match re-arranged by the Committee.
Teams must play if they have at least 5 players.
Friendly option – Teams are still encouraged to play and use the court even if less than 5 players can attend. This will then be played as a friendly and the opposing team will receive the points, The fine will be £30 to cover the umpiring cost, unless both teams agree to pay the umpires in the usual way.
Forefit – If the team is unable to make the match the opposing team will receive the points. The fine will be £50. £30 will be paid to the umpires unless they are allocated to a different game then this will be deducted from the fine total. £20 court cost which will be added as a credit to the opposing team as they will not have played the game. The team cancelling will also need to send 2 scorers for the previous / post-game
This will be applied to the teams at the end of the season.
The team will be awarded the appropriate goals, according to the position in the league, and the offending team will receive 0 goals.
If the game is played as a friendly or forfeited this is to be notified to the league either via email or documented on the scorecard.
League Position Goals Awarded
1 75
2 65
3 55
4 45
5 35
6 25
7 15
8 5
Fees will be worked out prior to each season (Winter & Summer) starting and will be required to be paid by midnight on the night before the first fixture of that season. SEE FINES & POINT SUMMARY
Fees include but not limited the following: Hire of venues, administration fees for the league, website / marketing costs for the league, Awards.
Fines & Points deduction Summary
Point Deduction
Fees – Not paid on time
Cancelation of games – Played as a friendly (Less than 5 Players)
Cancelation of games – Non attendance
Failure to provide an umpire
£10.00 + Rescheduling costs if necessary
Failure to provide a scorer
Failure to submit scorecard
A Team – A group of players registered to a team name through EN and the League this is not a CLUB.
A Club – A collection of teams that may share coaches and training facilities.
Complaints that are sent to the league will be dealt with by the complaints subcommittee made up of the Chair and any vices. Complaints should be sent to complaintshnl@gmail.com. It may be that the subcommittee have to get information from other committee members depending on the complaint.
Player misconduct
Any misconduct by a player during a match, may be regulated by the umpires officiating, according to the AENA rules.
If a player has a complaint against another player this must be brought to the attention of the umpires during the game, if it can’t be resolved within the game then a formal complaint must be made in writing to the committee within two weeks.
- a) Take no further action, all complaints will be kept on file and the committees decision is final.
- b) The team/player in question will be requested to submit a report regarding the incident in question. The committee will then review the complaint with no bias.
> Recommendations or reference to rules may be given by the committee to prevent future complaints.
- c) If required a written warning will be sent to the team captain – a player/team can have no more than two written warnings after that the team/player may be suspended or expelled from the league. The affected player/team will have the right of appeal to the committee, whose decision shall be binding. Fees are non refundable. They will be allowed to enter for the next season.
Umpire complaint
If a complaint is against an officiating umpire, then a letter of complaint must be made in writing to the committee with two weeks. Both officiating umpires will be asked their opinions and may get advice from the County Officiating lead, the committee will discuss and take the following action:-
- a) Take no further action, all complaints will be kept on file and the committee’s decision is final.
- b) If more than two written complaints have been received the umpiring secretary will organise for mentoring to take place if this is agreed by the umpire in question, if the umpire disagrees then that umpire will no-longer be allowed to officiate in the league.

League Constitution

The league shall be called “The Hereford Netball League”, herein after referred to as HNL.
- The objectives of the HNL shall be;
- a) To promote and encourage the game of netball.
- b) To foster and encourage sportsmanship between all clubs.
- c) To raise the standard of play, umpiring and coaching.
- A Committee of up to 9 members shall govern the HNL and be referred to as the HNLC
- The maximum term in office is 5 years, officers will step down but can be re-elected.
- The Roles are as follows:
Chair – To oversee the league and the roles.
- Vice Chair/s – Assist the Chair in Making Decisions perform the roles of the chair in their absence. (Can be applied to other role holder/s in committee)
Secretary – Complete any administration for the league
Umpire Lead – Liaise with the County officiating lead to encourage and support upcoming and training umpires including the arranging of mentoring. Ensure that umpires have been organised for games and assist in the event that teams are struggling to find an umpire.
Scoring Lead – Enter Scorecards into the website and ensure any queries are dealt with. Apply appropriate fines where necessary.
Safeguarding – Keep records and protect and members in the league.
Socials / Tournaments – Organise Tournaments and social events.
Communications – Run the social media for the League in line with the county and EN strategy to promote and encourage netball.
Treasurer – Collate all financial transactions, ensure payments / fines are paid, prepare a summary of accounts.
Fixtures Secretary – Create the fixtures for the league.
The league will also have Honorary Members they will have been in committee service for over 10 years and therefore sit on committee without a specific role. Their membership will be paid for by the league.
- The HNLC may set up sub-committees if so required.
- In the event of a casual vacancy the HNLC may appoint another eligible person to act until the next AGM.
- HNLC meetings will be held on stated dates agreed at the first Committee meeting in the elected year. The Committee will meet at least 4 times a year.
- The quorum shall be 50% of the total Committee. Any member holding more than one position shall be entitled to only one vote.
- The HNLC will review annually the HNL subscription fees for entry to the winter and Summer Leagues.
- The HNLC shall place teams in divisions appropriate to their standard of play whenever possible.
- All fixtures should be drawn up and approved by the HNLC.
- League Tournaments may be held throughout the year at the discretion of the HNLC.
- The HNLC shall deal with all matters not governed by the Constitution and League Rules.
- An Annual General Meeting shall be held at the close of each season at which the HNL Committee shall be elected.
- Notification of the AGM to be at least 28 days prior to the meeting.
- Amendments to the Constitution and Rules of the League should be sent in writing to the HNL Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM.
- Any proposed nomination for office on the HNLC shall be sent in writing to the Secretary with the names of a proposer and seconder, who shall both be Registered Participants, not later than 14 days before the AGM. Where there are no proposals for an office, nominations may be taken from the floor at the AGM.
- All members of the existing HNLC may re-stand for election.
- All outgoing officers will remain in office until the election of a new HNL Committee.
- The Agenda and any proposals for amendments to the constitution/rules and nominations to office shall be sent out to members no later than 7 days before the AGM.
- Each team must be represented at all league meetings.
- Votes on issues at the AGM should be one vote per registered team plus one vote for each Committee member including the Chairperson. The Chairperson shall have a second casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.
- The HNL Constitution and Rules cannot be altered unless approved by an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may be considered and called by the HNL Secretary if so warranted by the HNLC or an Affiliated Member. Each request will be in writing and will state the purpose for which such a meeting is required and shall set out any proposal to be voted on at the meeting. Fourteen days’ notice of the meeting and all proposals shall be given to every team and HNLC member. No business shall be transacted at such a meeting other than that specified in the notice. Voting shall be bound as that for the AGM.
- Committee members do not vote at any meetings on issues relating specifically to their team in which they have a pecuniary interest.
- Any complaint must be put in writing to the HNL Secretary within 14 days of the incident; Complaint procedures can be found on the website. The Complaints and outcomes will be listed by the sub committee with the outcomes which will be taken to each committee meeting.
- Code of Conduct – the HNLC expects that all affiliated members and spectators will uphold the objectives, ethos and rules/policies of the HNL at all times. There shall be a general duty upon all members to be aware of their own conduct and its effect upon others.
- The HNLC shall have power to refuse admittance, suspend, or expel any club, team or individual whose conduct they consider to be detrimental to the objectives of the HNL as stated above.
- The committee will retain documentation regarding the league for a maximum of 7 (seven) years. Previous documentation will be disposed of in line with current legislation.
- AGM – Date to be confirmed month of May
- Please refer to league rules for any other information.
Auditors will be appointed at the AGM each year and the audited accounts of NHL for the year ended 30th April shall be presented to the Members at the AGM.
Dissolution – In the event of dissolution any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be dealt with in a manner to be determined by resolution of a General Meeting so as to promote the objectives of HNL or of some organisation with kindred aims or to other purposes approved by the Charity Commissioners. In the event of there being a deficit, the General Meeting shall decide how it shall be met.